Monday, September 3, 2012

Then she took me by the eye, she quickly took

After Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 47'

Then she took me by the eye, she quickly took
me for what I was: a wildly obfuscating other
that's disagreeable. We stood and we looked
into the dull horizon, the onions are smothered
in the roux of an ornery, obnoxious feast.
I'm thinking about the blood that moves in my heart
and through my lungs, I'm thinking about the guest
of air inside my being. These words are parts
of sentences and phrases, poems that I love
and remember eternally. I am no longer me
but beyond selves, I am the love that moves
the Universe, I'm the tall and patient tree
that greets the Sun; all that is within our sight
is a brief dream that we realize in the light.

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