Monday, September 10, 2012

The clouds are moving in a quiet Sunrise

The clouds are moving in a quiet Sunrise
above the pasture. The red coloring is
the bend of her rays, the night has unclosed

its eye. I wonder how the eye might use
the water as a mirror, I wonder how this
word creates this world. Once she had rose

out of the bed, I wondered if the wise
and tired poets lied. O how I miss
the presence of her, to be up so close

to her skin I could taste it! O pure muse
obscure me like the Moon in an eclipse
devours Sun! Make me to where the rise

of planets is my song! Fill nobody's house
with love and utter the words of a kiss
until the beloved is realized. I close

my eyes before the mountain, its immense
weight is obvious. The suspended bliss
of clouds move up, I remember the Sunrise
and take a deep breath with my eyes closed.

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